12th Grade Core Curriculum Package

12th Grade Core Curriculum Package

By Various Authors

10 Volumes.

Our 12th Grade Core curriculum includes a study of apologetics and popular culture, a history of Western civilization and Western liberties, a literature course on the Western philosophy and culture from a biblical worldview perspective, a study of the Gospel of John, and several classic Puritan works on the Christian life.

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Our 12th Grade Core curriculum includes a study of apologetics and popular culture, a history of Western civilization and Western liberties, a literature course on the Western philosophy and culture from a biblical worldview perspective, a study of the Gospel of John, and several classic Puritan works on the Christian life.


This Package includes:

Free Curriculum Supplements

Foreword for Epoch

Epoch is epic! This is a masterful and majestic history of the fall of western society. I have never read 700 pages faster. I could not put it down! Exceptionally clear, compelling, and moving. It has always been my nature and my calling to understand, to analyze, to comprehend, to unpack, to discern, to grasp the truth and the lies in the world around me—to see the trends, to hear the voices, to read the ideas—to understand the signs of the times, certainly to avoid the failure of the Jewish leaders who were indicted by our Lord for their ignorance of the realities that defined their times which left them incapable of bringing light in the darkness.

If the church is the pillar and ground of the truth, it is because its leaders have biblical wisdom and knowledge of Scripture so as to protect it from lies and deception and build strong doctrinal churches where the Word from heaven produces men and women who can be trusted and who are able to proclaim the truth that is not normally available.

Kevin Swanson has produced a master work of insight into the reality of the apostate world that has replaced the Christian worldview. He gets it, and with a scalpel-like precision before the corpse is buried, he does an autopsy on the remains of Christian culture, discerning the factors and causes of its demise. This book is a complete education and should be required reading in every Christian school, for every pastor and Christian leader.

If we are to be the people of the truth, we must know the story well—the how and why. We are obviously under divine judgment. This apostate world is anti-Christian as if Christ had never come. We are Rome before the incarnation, only more guilty because of what has been rejected.

I have gone back to Epoch many times. It is a resource with spiritual wisdom and historical understanding that I keep close by. Not to understand the comprehensive insights in this book is self-inflicted ignorance and unwilling devaluing of the treasure of discernment.


—John MacArthur

Pastor, Grace Community Church

Sun Valley, California

Chancellor, The Master’s University and Seminary

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