Adventures of Missionary Heroism
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Adventures of Missionary Heroism Study GuideExcerpt
"All morning, ever since sunrise, the doctor has been busy with the patients who have come from far and near to be treated or prescribed for, until about a hundred persons are gathered in front of the little dispensary. The heat of the day is now coming on, but before dismissing them and distributing the medicines they have waited for, he takes down his Telugu Bible, reads and explains a chapter, and then kneels to ask a blessing upon all those who have need of healing..."
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'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.' (Matthew 16:24)
The 19th century has been called 'The Greatest Century of Christian Missions.' Until the end of the world and Jesus returns, the missionary stories about the courageous Gospel heralds of the 19th century must be told from one generation to the next.
These are the greatest stories of faith in our age to be appended on the Hebrews 11 list of the heroes of the faith. We have republished this classic compendium of stories from John C. Lambert, who wrote these accounts of pioneering missionaries serving in the greatest century of missions. Every Christian child growing up in Christian homes should know these stories by heart, and every family should pass this record in printed form on to the next generation.