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Paperback. 240 Pages

Hostage Lands

By Douglas Bond

Sale price$8.39 Regular price$11.99

Hostage Lands
Hostage Lands Sale price$8.39 Regular price$11.99

Neil Perkins, a Latin student at Haltwhistle Grammar School in England, unearths an ancient Roman manuscript. He dedicates himself to study Latin and so uncovers a story of treachery and betrayal from the third century. Disaffected centurion, Rusticus, serves Rome at Hadrian's Wall, an unruly frontier. A Celt named Calum, who was deeply changed when he saw Christians martyred in the Roman Coliseum, saves Perkins from a massacre. Not only will you learn the differences between ancient paganism and the primal Christian faith practiced in third-century Britain, but you will discover a more thoughtful approach to life as a result.

About the Author

Douglas Bond, author of more than thirty books, is director of the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class; a two-time Grace Award book finalist; a hymn writer and editor; a speaker at conferences and churches in five continents; and a leader of church history tours in Europe.