Proverbs: The Companion Lesson Book
Features of this lesson book include:
- provides an excellent, simple introduction to the Proverbs for the 9-12 year old child.
- may also serve as a Companion for the Proverbs Bible Study Guide Series provided by Generations, or used independently.
- contains lessons that follow a 'Read, Think, Hide, and Apply' method.
- includes series of exercises for every chapter in the Book of Proverbs.
- includes Answer Key
- Scripture Version: NKJV
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There are thousands of books and curriculum choices for parents these days. Let us make it simple for you. . . Have you given your children God's curriculum?
It should go without saying that there is a good deal of wisdom and knowledge to be found in the Book of Proverbs. It was the original curriculum, produced about 3,000 years ago intended as the basic education for a young man (or young woman). Could this wisdom be just as relevant and just as important now, even after being displaced by a thousand 'new and improved' systems of thought? At the very least, Christian parents should be most interested in providing this compendium of knowledge to their children from their earliest years.
Our children should be able to internalize and apply the principles found in the Book of Proverbs from their earliest years. If our children will be rooted in all 1,000-plus lessons found in Proverbs before they reach adulthood, they should begin to work through them as early as 8 or 9 years of age.