Worldview Super Bundle
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“Only 1% of American millennials under 30 years of age have a biblical worldview (down from 2% in 2019, and down from 12% in 1995).” Source: Arizona Christian University and Barna Research Group
1. Know the Essentials of a Christian Worldview
For lack of rooting and grounding in the truths of God’s Word, only 1% of millennials (as of 2023) hold to a biblical worldview, even though 56% still refer to themselves as Christians. Here is a short course for every believer and every young student of the Word of God on the basics of the Christian faith. Without delving too deeply into the intramural conflicts within Christianity, this book lays down the line of demarcation between the Thesis of truth, and the Antithesis of demonically contrived worldviews that have ensnared the whole world. Kevin Swanson lays down what he calls “trunk faith” or the essential truths every Christian must believe, without getting too caught up in the “leaves” or the minor differences between Christian groups. What distinguishes the Christian faith from the false religions and the bad worldviews that make up the rest of the world? This course gets down to the basics concerning the nature of truth, the nature of God, the nature of man, origins, ethics, sin, salvation, sociology, and teleology. This is theology 101 for the young believer.
2. Know the Rudiments of Competing Worldviews
“God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes” (Eccl. 7:29). Now, how does the Christian worldview line up against competing worldviews, and where and how do they fall short? Young people today are subjected to a thousand competing voices through media, academia, and peers. They are too easily “cheated through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8). This book sets out to expose these vain philosophies, and to make way for the truth. The light shines in the darkness. The falsehoods must be exposed, and the truth must prevail.
3. Know How to Give an Answer for the Hope in You
We are challenged to “cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). This course will also introduce basic apologetics for the Christian believer.
How to Think Biblically
We live in a confusing and confused age. There are lies everywhere, and many people believe them. How do we cut through the confusion and gain a right understanding of true and false, right and wrong?
Here is the answer: we need the light of God’s truth shining upon us and providing us with the flashlight we need to see in a dark place. The prophetic Word, the Holy Scriptures, are that “light which shines in a dark place” (2 Pet. 1:19). The Lord is the God of knowledge. He determines what is true, not us.
The purpose of How to Think Biblically is to introduce the Christian student to a biblical view of the mind and the biblical foundation for logic, and to teach them how to evaluate logical fallacies.
Learn to think biblically and critically about the world around you. This book contains an abundance of examples from worldview and apologetic discussions, cultural debates, and political campaigns. It also demonstrates the importance of sound reasoning in personal relationships, as well as in family and church life.
The formation of a sound mind is never isolated from growth in spiritual maturity. How to Think Biblically encourages the cultivation of love for God, growth in humility and spiritual-mindedness, and seeking God in prayer. If these applications are missed, then a sharp mind and the ability to discern fallacies will do us no good.
The Tattooed Jesus
Would Jesus tattoo Leviticus 19:28 on his left thigh?
Some Christians consider it borderline blasphemy to even ask the question. Others are delighted to answer the question in the affirmative. Both parties can't be right.
In an age of Western apostasy, it should come as no surprise to find cultural apostasy leading the way. In this pungent little book, Kevin Swanson challenges the modern Christians that capitulate to the post-Christian worldviews and cultural expressions. He doggedly refuses to separate worldviews and culture, pressing hard for repentance, or a change of worldview in the mind of the reader.
Christians are too easily ruined by philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men (Col. 2:8), because they are not discerning of bad ideas and bad cultural devices. Kevin Swanson addresses such varying topics as major motion pictures, popular music, country music, eastern medicine, tattoos, computer games, horror literature, fantasy, sports, super heroes, Contemporary Christian Music, Hip Hop, Thomas Kinkade, Harry Potter, Jack Bauer, Sesame Street, and the Hunger Games.