John Chrysostom

John Chrysostom

The Preacher in the Emperor's Court

By Dayspring MacLeod

Paperback. 192 Pages


There was something about John Chrysostom and the words he spoke that lit up his world. He was an important leader of the early church, known so much for his preaching and public speaking that he was given the nickname "Golden Mouth". He spoke his mind and followed his convictions. He refused to host the lavish social gatherings that his predecessors had laid on. This meant that John Chrysostom really annoyed the wealthy citizens of Constantinople. He spoke out against how many influential Christians cared little for the poor. 'It is madness to fill your cupboards with clothing while other human beings stand naked and trembling with the cold so that they can hardly hold themselves upright.' It didn't matter if you were rich or poor John spoke the truth '“ emphatically. Even the empress fell under his criticism which eventually led to his exile and death.

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There was something about John Chrysostom and the words he spoke that lit up his world. He was an important leader of the early church, known so much for his preaching and public speaking that he was given the nickname "Golden Mouth". He spoke his mind and followed his convictions. He refused to host the lavish social gatherings that his predecessors had laid on. This meant that John Chrysostom really annoyed the wealthy citizens of Constantinople. He spoke out against how many influential Christians cared little for the poor. 'It is madness to fill your cupboards with clothing while other human beings stand naked and trembling with the cold so that they can hardly hold themselves upright.' It didn't matter if you were rich or poor John spoke the truth '“ emphatically. Even the empress fell under his criticism which eventually led to his exile and death.

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