Taking Africa for Jesus Set
Features of this course:
- Basic Facts about African Nations
- Prayer Points for African Nations
- Content Questions and Map Exercises
- Unit Exams
- Daily Lesson Schedule
- Answer Key
- Engaging Enrichment Projects
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Embark on an epic journey through the history of Africa with this exciting history course! Beginning in the Old Testament period, students will survey the history of ancient Egypt. Following the ascension of the Lord Jesus, the reader will trace the spreading reign of Jesus as the church spreads throughout Africa.
Century after century, God has been at work in Africa. This book contains some of the most thrilling stories about the advance of the Gospel in what many have called the 'dark continent.' Now, because of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, a once dark continent is walking more and more in the light of Christ. Today, Christianity is expanding at a rapid rate throughout Africa. Learn what God has done!