Journey to Mt. Sinai DVD Set
Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai, Part I
Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai, Part II
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Journey to Mount Sinai Part I & II
Investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney has been searching for the true location of Mount Sinai for over 20 years. The Bible records that at Sinai God made a covenant with Moses and the Israelites, and gave them the ten commandments. While the majority of scholars continue to favor locating Mount Sinai at the traditional site of Jebel Musa (the mountain of Moses) in the southern Sinai Peninsula, many believe the lack of evidence there is good reason to question that thinking. Other scholars question whether these events happened at all.
In recent decades, more than a dozen Mount Sinai candidates have been proposed as the correct site. Modern-day Exodus Explorers believe compelling evidence for the Israelites’ time at Mount Sinai can be found in Saudi Arabia at a mountain known as Jabal al Lawz.
Mahoney uses the trusted Patterns-of-Evidence approach and the new Mount Sinai Scorecard to investigate six of the most popular locations proposed for Mount Sinai. Examining details for five major criteria in the biblical account compared to geographical and archaeological information, he sets out to pin-point the mountain’s true location. Journey to Mount Sinai is a 2-part film series that picks up the exploration of the Exodus where the Red Sea Miracle films left off. Each film will examine three of the primary candidates. Can Mahoney find the mountain where Moses encountered the burning bush and where multitudes of Israelites camped for nearly a year?