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14 Spiral-Bound Volumes

Complete Bible Study Guide Collection

The Heart of the Word

By Kevin Swanson

Sale price$214.99 Regular price$252.88

Complete Bible Study Guide Collection
Complete Bible Study Guide Collection Sale price$214.99 Regular price$252.88

In your home education program, have you remembered to include the core curriculum? If our children know their algebra and grammar better than they know the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Genesis, Matthew, or John we have given our children a sub-standard education. The teaching of God's Word in family worship is a critical time when parents fulfill their Deuteronomy 6:7 and Ephesians 6:4 responsibilities to teach and disciple their families. The Family Bible Study Guides were written by Kevin Swanson for his own family worship, and then published to encourage and equip others in this discipleship task.