Family Life

Family Life

A Simple Guide to the Biblical Family

By Kevin Swanson

Paperback. 214 Pages

Every Christian family is like a garden, which sometimes grows greener and sometimes gets a little brown around the edges. How green is your family garden? This little book offers a big picture overview of the Christian family, complete with biblical principles, practical suggestions, discussion questions, and helpful resources for further study. It is a culmination of wisdom from multiple generations, intended for the restoration of healthy family gardens in this postmodern wasteland of disintegrated family life.

Almost every chapter of the book recovers something that was largely lost in the last century—family discipleship, family economy, family honor, family relationships, family culture, family freedoms, family worship, and family life. Author Kevin Swanson warns of the toxic influences that threaten the family garden, and guides parents in cultivating their own family gardens and yielding a great spiritual crop.


Topics covered include:

  • Family Relationships
  • Family Worship
  • Family Honor
  • Family Culture
  • Family Discipleship
  • Family Economy
  • Family, Church, and State
  • Family Education

'If the fear of God is the concrete in the foundation of the home, thanksgiving is the drywall, the furnishings, and the window coverings of the home! We thank the Lord for one another, precious souls loved by Christ and saved by His blood. We experience a perpetual relief from sins forgiven, divine reconciliation, and an acceptance into the family of God. We are thankful for each blessing, each relationship, every and all evidences of life (spiritual and physical), our eternal inheritance, God's majestic creation, the water, the sun, the air we breathe, physical protection, and every sign of His kingdom."

What Others Are Saying

I am very blessed by your ministry. My wife intercepted the book before I could crack it, and wouldn't put it down the rest of the day. When I returned home from work I found my wife kneeling beside the couch seeking repentance before God. That was when I knew there was something really profound about this book! This book has spawned many powerful conversations about how we will raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I look forward to reading it myself, just as soon as I can pry it from my wife's hands!
- Rory

I've read a number of books on the family as my young family continues to grow. Amidst the piles of works written to gain either the pay or the applause of people, there are a handful of books that start with the Bible, and teach from there, rather than teaching first and slapping a misappropriated Bible verse or passage on as support. Swanson has written one of those faithful few here. However, be warned, this book is written to be faithful not popular, which means it will not fit well in the mind of those who are comfortable in the pop-Christianity pseudo-church of modern evangelicalism. Read at your own risk.
- Brad S.

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Every Christian family is like a garden, which sometimes grows greener and sometimes gets a little brown around the edges. How green is your family garden? This little book offers a big picture overview of the Christian family, complete with biblical principles, practical suggestions, discussion questions, and helpful resources for further study. It is a culmination of wisdom from multiple generations, intended for the restoration of healthy family gardens in this postmodern wasteland of disintegrated family life.

Almost every chapter of the book recovers something that was largely lost in the last century—family discipleship, family economy, family honor, family relationships, family culture, family freedoms, family worship, and family life. Author Kevin Swanson warns of the toxic influences that threaten the family garden, and guides parents in cultivating their own family gardens and yielding a great spiritual crop.


Topics covered include:

  • Family Relationships
  • Family Worship
  • Family Honor
  • Family Culture
  • Family Discipleship
  • Family Economy
  • Family, Church, and State
  • Family Education

'If the fear of God is the concrete in the foundation of the home, thanksgiving is the drywall, the furnishings, and the window coverings of the home! We thank the Lord for one another, precious souls loved by Christ and saved by His blood. We experience a perpetual relief from sins forgiven, divine reconciliation, and an acceptance into the family of God. We are thankful for each blessing, each relationship, every and all evidences of life (spiritual and physical), our eternal inheritance, God's majestic creation, the water, the sun, the air we breathe, physical protection, and every sign of His kingdom."

What Others Are Saying

I am very blessed by your ministry. My wife intercepted the book before I could crack it, and wouldn't put it down the rest of the day. When I returned home from work I found my wife kneeling beside the couch seeking repentance before God. That was when I knew there was something really profound about this book! This book has spawned many powerful conversations about how we will raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I look forward to reading it myself, just as soon as I can pry it from my wife's hands!
- Rory

I've read a number of books on the family as my young family continues to grow. Amidst the piles of works written to gain either the pay or the applause of people, there are a handful of books that start with the Bible, and teach from there, rather than teaching first and slapping a misappropriated Bible verse or passage on as support. Swanson has written one of those faithful few here. However, be warned, this book is written to be faithful not popular, which means it will not fit well in the mind of those who are comfortable in the pop-Christianity pseudo-church of modern evangelicalism. Read at your own risk.
- Brad S.

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