Christian Family Eldercare Audio - Scratch & Dent Version
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Experience the first-ever forum of biblically focused caregivers, physicians, and pastors to equip families and churches to thrive in eldercare! Featuring inspiring keynotes, practical medical talks, caregiving panels, legal advice, veteran caregiver encouragement, and much more. The 2015 Christian Family Eldercare Conference includes 21 messages to encourage, equip, and enable the family and church to love the elderly among us according to biblical standards and to follow God's eldercare plan: relationship-centered, family-focused, Christ-centered, home environments'¦where eldercare thrives. Enjoy speakers including Peter Rosenberger, Kevin Swanson, Dr. Thomas Kendall, Dr. David Apple, RN Steven Vaughan, Attorney Bradley Pierce, Colin Gunn, James Lansberry, Marcia Washburn, Carmen Bowman, Rich and Barb Heki, and many more!