George Muller - Little Lights
Money-Back Guarantee
6-Month Money-Back Curriculum Guarantee
If you order a course from Generations and decide within 6 months, it's...
- Too clunky, or...
- If your kids are bored, or...
- If you can't make it fit your children's learning styles, or...
- If, for any other reason, it's not meeting your expectations...
…mail it back to us. We'll refund you 100% of the purchase price. No hassle. No questions asked. Just email mail@generations.org or call (888) 389-9080 for return instructions.
We only ask that you give the curriculum an honest try and cover the return shipping costs.
Click here for information on our curriculum scholarship program.
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What would you do if you needed some money? Would you pick some of a tree in the garden? Of course you wouldn’t – because money doesn’t grow on trees. You have to work for it. Sometimes you have to work hard. George Müller didn’t like to work and tried to get his money in other ways. He would cheat and steal and was eventually thrown in prison. Find out how God changed George from a thief to someone even children could trust.