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God Made Life Set

A Biblical Worldview Biology Course

By Kevin Swanson

Sale price$43.11 Regular price$57.48

2 Volumes
6-8 Grade
1 Credit

God Made Life Set
God Made Life Set Sale price$43.11 Regular price$57.48


“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:14)

Did you know . . . there are 30,000,000,000,000 cells in the human body? And did you know each cell is a busy center of reproduction, immune defense, repair, and communication, with millions of actions taking place in any given second?

Did you know . . . that if all the DNA in your body were put end to end, the string would extend for 110 billion miles—stretching from earth to sun and back 600 times?

Did you know there is more information stored in one gram of DNA than is found on 700 laptop computers?

God Made Life is an introductory biology course for 6th-8th grade students. Every page of this book tells of the awesomeness of God the Creator and the inexpressible wonder of life! This material invites both parent-teacher and student on a wonderful journey of discovery of God’s marvelous creation.

This unique survey of microbiology, biology, and human anatomy will engage the student, nurture a sense of wonder, and inspire to further discovery. It will also provide opportunity for students to put the knowledge they learn to good use. Throughout the material, students will be encouraged to apply what they learn to real life and will be given useful tools to assist them in this endeavor (including basic medical skills, health habits, and disease prevention and treatment).