Great Christian Classics (Vol. 1) - Teacher Guide

Great Christian Classics (Vol. 1) - Teacher Guide

Five Remarkable Narratives of the Faith (3rd Edition)

Edited By Kevin Swanson and Joshua Schwisow

250 Page Workbook
9-12 Grade
1 Credit


There is a wealth of great literature to study in the history of man, some written by Christians and some by non-Christians. While it is important to survey the writings produced in both the city of man and the city of God, the Christian student should direct special attention to literature produced in the city of God. The empires of man will always crumble and fall, but the kingdom of Jesus Christ will continue forever. This study guide covers five of the greatest life narratives of all time. A thorough study of these great books will help the student understand the life, theology, and worldview of some of the greatest Christian men in church history. This textbook covers Augustine's Confessions, Patrick's Confessions, Knox's History of the Reformation in Scotland, Bunyan's Grace Abounding, and Paton's missionary Autobiography.

This teacher guide is designed to Great Christian Classics: Five Remarkable Narratives of the Faith (3rd Edition)

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There is a wealth of great literature to study in the history of man, some written by Christians and some by non-Christians. While it is important to survey the writings produced in both the city of man and the city of God, the Christian student should direct special attention to literature produced in the city of God. The empires of man will always crumble and fall, but the kingdom of Jesus Christ will continue forever. This study guide covers five of the greatest life narratives of all time. A thorough study of these great books will help the student understand the life, theology, and worldview of some of the greatest Christian men in church history. This textbook covers Augustine's Confessions, Patrick's Confessions, Knox's History of the Reformation in Scotland, Bunyan's Grace Abounding, and Paton's missionary Autobiography.

This teacher guide is designed to Great Christian Classics: Five Remarkable Narratives of the Faith (3rd Edition)


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