Great Christian Classics, Vol. 3 Textbook

Great Christian Classics, Vol. 3 Textbook

R.A. Sheats, Joshua Schwisow, and Kevin Swanson

632 Pages
1 Credit

In the history of the world, an abundance of literature has been produced and preserved. There is far more literature available in the world than any single person could read. How then do we prioritize what to read? What writings are worthy of our attention as Christians? The first obvious answer is the Holy Bible: God’s written Word. The Scriptures are the very Word of God and demand our greatest attention. Second to the Scriptures, Christian readers should seek out non-inspired literature that is both edifying and of enduring value. In this collection of Great Christian Classics, the reader will find both characteristics fully met.


This course covers the following works:

  • Beowulf (Prose Version)
  • Paradise Lost by John Milton
  • The Freedom of a Christian by Martin Luther
  • Three Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards
  • The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

Features of this course:

  • Five enduring Christian classics
  • Explanatory notes aiding the reader in understanding vocabulary, historical background, and content
  • Worksheets to reinforce learning
  • Introductions to each classic work

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In the history of the world, an abundance of literature has been produced and preserved. There is far more literature available in the world than any single person could read. How then do we prioritize what to read? What writings are worthy of our attention as Christians? The first obvious answer is the Holy Bible: God’s written Word. The Scriptures are the very Word of God and demand our greatest attention. Second to the Scriptures, Christian readers should seek out non-inspired literature that is both edifying and of enduring value. In this collection of Great Christian Classics, the reader will find both characteristics fully met.


This course covers the following works:

  • Beowulf (Prose Version)
  • Paradise Lost by John Milton
  • The Freedom of a Christian by Martin Luther
  • Three Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards
  • The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

Features of this course:

  • Five enduring Christian classics
  • Explanatory notes aiding the reader in understanding vocabulary, historical background, and content
  • Worksheets to reinforce learning
  • Introductions to each classic work


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