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The Reformation did not happen instantaneously; it was something God patiently arranged over a number of years.
As you read this book, you will learn how the Lord used some people to plant the seeds of church reform long before October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther published his ninety-five theses. Luther's story is well-known; we trust you will find it interesting and instructive to read about him and about forty others (John Knox, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Zacharias Ursinus, Willem Teellinck, etc.) who contributed to the Reformation - some well known and others not so - most of whom are Reformation heroes.
To provide a more full picture of the many sided Reformation, chapters are also included on the Anabaptist and Counter Reformation movements. The book concludes with a brief summary of the influence of the Reformation in different areas of life.
About the Author
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
Diana Kleyn is a member of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is the mother of three children, and has a heart for helping children understand and embrace the truths of God's Word. She writes monthly for the children's section in The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine, and is co-author with Joel R. Beeke of the series Building on the Rock.
Douglas Bond is the author of more than thirty books. He is the director of the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class and the Carolina Creative Writing Master Class, has served as an adjunct instructor in church history and creative writing at three institutions of higher learning, and leads Church history tours in Europe.
Glenda Faye Mathes is a graduate of the University of Iowa and an author of several nonfiction books, including Little One Lost: Living with Early Infant Loss, A Month of Sundays: 31 Meditations on Resting in God, and Discovering Delight: 31 Meditations on Loving God’s Law, as well as the Matthew in the Middle fiction series for middle grade readers. She and her husband, David, have no greater joy than seeing their children and grandchildren walking in the Lord. She lives near Pella, Iowa, and blogs at glendafayemathes.com.
What Others Are Saying
"I hope this book will help awaken youth in America to the vital truths set forth so clearly and boldly by the historic heroes of the Reformation."
- Dr. R.C. Sproul, President, Ligonier Ministries, Orlando Florida