Star of Light

Star of Light

By Patricia St. John. Original and Unabridged

Paperback. 176 Pages


When Hamid finds out that his little blind sister Kinza is to be sold to a beggar, he runs away with her from their mountain village to a distant town. But, in the town, they are alone. When they find the nurse his mother has told him about, Hamid does something desperate to help his sister. Will Kinza be safe? What will happen to Hamid, who dares not go back home? Set in North Africa, readers of all ages will be delighted by yet another one of Patricia St. John's exciting, freshly edited stories. A fantastic family read-aloud!

The stories of Patricia St John are timeless classics and have been entertaining and challenging children and young people for generations.

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When Hamid finds out that his little blind sister Kinza is to be sold to a beggar, he runs away with her from their mountain village to a distant town. But, in the town, they are alone. When they find the nurse his mother has told him about, Hamid does something desperate to help his sister. Will Kinza be safe? What will happen to Hamid, who dares not go back home? Set in North Africa, readers of all ages will be delighted by yet another one of Patricia St. John's exciting, freshly edited stories. A fantastic family read-aloud!

The stories of Patricia St John are timeless classics and have been entertaining and challenging children and young people for generations.

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