The New Ocean Book
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Oceans
2. Research and the Deep Oceans
3. Physical Characteristics of the Ocean
4. Composition of the Oceans' Waters
5. Tides, Waves, and Currents
6. Weather
7. Harvesting the Ocean
8. Marine Life
9. Exploring the Coral Reef
10. Ocean Vessels & Exploration
11. The Genesis Flood
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The oceans may well be Earth’s final frontier. These dark and sometimes mysterious waters cover 71 percent of the surface area of the globe and have yet to be fully explored. Under the waves, a watery world of frail splendor, foreboding creatures, vast mountains, and sights beyond imagination awaits. Now this powerful resource has been developed for three educational levels!
- Grasp a deeper understanding of the ocean tides, waves, and currents
- Explore the vast world of giant squids and other sea “monsters”
- Discover the impact of weather systems and the Great Flood on Earth’s land and seas
Learning about the oceans and their hidden worlds can be exciting and rewarding — the abundance and diversity of life, the wealth of resources, the latest discoveries, and the simple mysteries that have intrigued explorers and scientists for centuries. A better understanding of our oceans ensures careful stewardship of their grandeur and beauty for future generations, and leads to a deeper respect for the delicate balance of life that God created on planet Earth.