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Paperback. 272 Pages

The Revolt

A Novel in Wycliffe's England

By Douglas Bond

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The Revolt
The Revolt Sale price$15.99 Regular price$19.99

As a secretary at the battle of Crécy, Hugh West'all has come close to death. But when he meets John Wycliffe, he embraces a mission even more exciting and just as dangerous: translating the Bible into English, the language of the common people. Hugh's work helps him to understand the Gospel even as a corrupt and decadent church plots to choke Wycliffe's translation and silence him forever.

About the Author

Douglas Bond, author of more than thirty books, is director of the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class; a two-time Grace Award book finalist; a hymn writer and editor; a speaker at conferences and churches in five continents; and a leader of church history tours in Europe.